With all the illegal border crossing and controversy surrounding it, somebody has to do something in order to resolve the issue. I figure I'm just as well qualified as the next guy. Therefore, I have come up with a fullproof plan in order to cease and desist the hispanic overrun.
I will form an elite task force to deal with the problem swiftly and with minimal monetary loss.
They will be composed of various special ops members, each with a talent relevant to specific operations.
This team will be a shadow, striking with precision and accuracy.
Captain: Tom Selleck

His obvious leadership capabilities make him the perfect choice for leader of the team. His task would be to seduce unsespecting mexican women and impregante them. Over time the hispanic bloodline would dilude because any offspring of Selleck would definatly get them a white woman.
Gang Buster/2nd in command: Tookie Williams

Co-founder of the Crips, Tookie is as ligit as they come. If Selleck were to go down due to a cramp or an STD, Tookie could step in without missing a step. Anyone who can organize a bunch of gangbangers has something special. These days Tookie says he is a peaceful man and is currently waiting to be executed. However, we would use him to bust up the hispanic gangs polluting our elementary schools. If I was a young hispanic gang I would shit my pants if Tookie came to my school. No more pen stealing for you little beaners.
Border Deturrent Squad: A Bunch of Big Guys
Tony Boselli:

Retired NFL All-Pro lineman. All he has to do is stand at the border and pretend Texas is the QB.
Larry Allen:

Same job as Boselli, but Tony can't cover all of Texas. Allen also has the ability to pull down the border-line and knock aliens back across the border like and unsuspecting defensive end.

Champion sumo wrestler and former WWF champ. Yokozuna will not be defeated, unless Shawn Michaels defects and body slams him...lightning never strikes twice in the same place, so the odds are with him.
2nd Stage Border Duturrent/Team Bitch: Gilbert Godfreid

In the unlikely case that the front line is penetrated, Gilbert would post up outside San Antonio with a loudspeaker. His annoying voice and personality would send Mexi's hauling ass back to Laredo.
Well there it is. My plan. I've sent a more formal proposal to the Texas legislature, so action should be taken swiftly.
kick ass