My Second Day of College
Of all the dumb shit I've done during my tenure here, I believe this is the biggest lapse of judgement to date.
When I say "my second day of college", I don't mean the second day of classes. I'm referring to the second day of welcome week. We had barely finished unpacking, and immediatly started looking for something to do that night. A friend of mine from high school was down visiting his brother who went to Baylor, so I decided to give him a call. He said they were at Graham's watching the Texas bikini team but they were heading back to the house in a minute to start drinking.
Anthony and I quickly headed over to the house in hopes of experiencing college in full force. Unbeknownst to me, the two members of the bikini team had come home with these guys. I was thrilled.
The next few hours was a haze, but this is what I can recall.
I gave a speech in the living room in front of a bunch of guys I'd just met upon which the basis was how much I loved college and how great everything was.
One of the bikini girls was real drunk so she did'nt notice me gawking at her chest.
We ran out of keystone and I started mixing vodka and coke.
Anthony left about 2, but I stayed till 4.
Someone drove me back to Penland and dropped me off.
I stumbled up the walkway into the lobby (This is at a point where they were still checking student i.d.'s) and the guy at the desk asked me for my i.d.
I said, "ohhhh, oookkk."and tried to fish out my wallet.
My lack of motor skills at the time caused me to fling my wallet halfway accross the room and run bumbling after it.
As I started walking upstairs my stomach started to wretch. I fought it off as usual. I hate throwing up.
I finally get in my dormroom and lock the door. With a sense of accomplishment, I go to lay in bed.
The second my back hits the bed, it all comes up. I sprint to the sink and unload.
Anthony, feeling sorry for me, sat up in bed and said, "clean that shit up."
I was glad we were roommates.
Thats a great story... My first night of college I didn't even sleep in my own bed. In fact, some other guy that didnt go to Baylor did.
I forgot to mention they had a playboy in the bathroom...that was the longest shit ever.
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