I thought my dream had come true. Paris Hilton had responed to my personal on match.com, unreal I thought. I then remembered what information I had posted on the site and how disappointed she was going to be.
The ad went something like this:

Name: "Hawk" Shepperd (had to come up with a cool name)
Sex: yes please (thought it would be funny)
Height: 6'4"
Body Type: Muscular, athletic. (not quite)
Intrests: Long walks on a cool night, watching "The Bachelor", and/or "the Bachelorette," and discussing who's a bitch with my best friends. (this is exactly what girls want to hear)
Hobbies: Helping the homeless (by which I meant telling them to get a job)
Job: I don't really have one. I saved Bill Gates from drowning while training new recruits be Navy S.E.A.L.'s. I became heir to his vast fourtune, so money isn't an issue. (I dropped a kid in a pool one time and make him swim like a otter, so its not that far fetched)
So this is what she is basing her opinons of me on.
Anyways, she flew me to NY and her assistant picked me up in a limo. She told me I didn't look like the man in the picture. I had to come up with an excuse fast, so I explained to her how I was in the hospital for 6 months after a dirt bike stunt gone wrong had rendered me incapacitated. I elaborated on muscle atrophy and all the pudding I ate.
Paris was doing a photo shoot so her assistant asked me if I wanted to see NY and all the sights. I felt like I needed a drink or two before the inevitable collapse of my scheme came to pass, so she pulled over to a local pub and let me off. I was informed she would pick me up after Paris was finished with her business.
5 hours, 12 beers, 3 shots, and a hoagie later, I finally came face to face with Paris. She looked a little surprised at first, but then a smile broke out on her face and she ran up and gave me a hug. I was surprised to say the least, and at that moment I noticed the white powder under her nose and the stench of vodka on her breath. She was all kinds of hammered and probably thought I did look like David Hasselhoff with a moustache.
So the rest of the night we partied like there was no tomorrow. I met all kinds of celebs and they all gave me strange looks. Paris assured me they were not as strange as the ones Nick Carter got, so I had that going for me.

moving in for the ass-grab...success!
Paris got in a couple fights with Nicole Richie, and Shannon Doherty. I punched Ben Stiller in the nuts and said,"THAT'S FOR MAKING 'MYSTERY MEN!' YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
All in all it was a pretty good night...
i think the same thing happened to lee and the sports guys daughter...at least thats what lee will tell you
what sports guy? did lee punch ben stiller in the nuts?
i look goofy as a skinny guy...even though my face is superimposed...one more reason not to lose weight.
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