Friday, March 30, 2007

I Hate Kids

I don't like little whiney squalling slobbering bastard kids. I never have. I despise parents who try to please their kids in every way possible. buying them everything they possibly want and they're still squalling, or they're happy for two seconds until they see something else they want.

I don't stay in resturants where a squalling little turd is making everyone's meal a living hell. I walk away. I want to go over there and smack the shit out of the kid and the parent who is letting this happen.

When I was a kid, I got the shit kicked out of me, and I'm more functionial in society because of it. It is unacceptable to throw a fit in public. The parents don't deserve it for bringing this little shit into the world. But, if they're not going to correct their kid, maybe they do. I'm serious. Parents need to strike their kids, they won't resent you as long as you tell them why you're doing it. Now, if you tear the shit out of them in a drunken stupor they might resent you a little, but it will be minimal.

I will have some well-behaved ass kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the best statement I've heard from someone other than myself in years!! Kudos to you, YOU rock!