Friday, June 01, 2007

Fantasy Baseball: Not So Great

In my unyielding quest for Yahoo! fantasy trophies, I decided to start a fantasy baseball league. I thought it would be a fun and entertaining way to pass the time until football season gets here. I was mistaken. I put together a powerhouse fantasy team with a kick-ass name and now have nothing to show for it but a 6th place spot and a bevy of disappointment. I believe it began with deciding to do a rotisserie style of play, which I thought meant no head-to-head matchups just total points. But apparently you can lose points at will, which I think is just bogus. I went from first to 6th in a matter of days and I didn't even know how. Yahoo! does not give a clear breakdown of the points system, so I don't know what moves to make. It just pisses me off. Fuck you baseball, and fuck you Yahoo! lets move on to football season. I wonder if they could do fantasy arena football?

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