Wednesday, August 01, 2007
The Cat Scare Revisited
I saw Trey physically jump about 6 inches in the air. Trey, not being conditioned to such horror movie tactics, fell victim to one of the most common scenes in horror movie history.
I figured, in an homage to the cat scare, I'd re-post my original piece on the subject.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Cat Scare
I've noticed, over my many years of horror movie viewing, that there is a recurring theme in every good horror film... the cat scare.What is the cat scare? It is a suspense technique used to give the audience a thrill, followed by a sense of relief, and typically followed by somebody getting killed or chased by a killer. Still unclear? This is how a typical cat scare will go.
Enter victim to dark room, stage left mostly.
Victim: "Hello? Is anybody in here?"
a noise in the corner startles him/her
V: "Is that you, Brad? This isn't funny!"
a noise from the closet prompts him/her to investigate
V: "Brad your such a jerk, if your trying to scare me I'm going to kill you."
he/she timidly opens the closet door (suspenseful music plays)
cat dives out of the closet
V: "HOLY SHIT!!!! Whiskers! You scared me!"
At this point the audience is kicking themselves for being such pussies (no pun intended) and jumping at a damn cat flying out of the closet.After the initial thrill is over and just about the time the audience is feeling safe again, the killer emerges and makes everyone shit their pants.
There are, however, some instances where the cat scare is overused.The first "Alien" movie uses three cat scares in a matter of five minutes. Seriously? It's a big stretch to use two in an entire movie. But three in five minutes? Lets get real Ridley Scott.
Posted by Shep at 7:37 AM
T.O. Uses Big Words, Still Sounds Stupid
David the Gnome
A while back I did an entry on "Kick-Ass Shows You May Have Forgotten" Well here is the opening for "David the Gnome" a kick-ass show I actually forgot about. But, as I did a little reading, I found out David was an ageing hippie vegan. The story taught children to not eat meat and to respect the planet we live on. I don't know what kind of effect this had on me seeing as how I eat more red meat then 90% of Americans and annually shoot 4 to 5 mammals and countess dove and quail. Nice try hippies.
Also, hippies can't spell. Check the title of this episode..."Good Medecine?" Did they mean Medicine? Unbelievable.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Kurt's Wedding

Friday, July 27, 2007
Dwight Schrute Music Video
"Day or night,
He'll use his might,
to fight for right,
and hit the height,
and light the light,
and be polite,
He's out of sight!
The Shittiest Music Video Ever
This is a music video from Baltimora's catalog of hit(s?). It probably took a half hour to shoot this entire thing, add a couple effects and you're done. Also, the lead singers moves are terribly gay. But a good way to start a Friday.
The Greatest Guitarist
I ran across this video the other day while looking for the Toto music video. This guy's name is Andy McKee and he is a phenominal guitarist. If you want to see another great song he does, check YouTube under "Drifting." I just thought everybody might get a kick out of how good this guy is.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Man Vs. Child

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Bear Grylls A Fraud
I, for one, am pissed that some idiot brought this to light. We all had a thought in the back of our mind that the show was not as truthful as is claimed to be, but so what. I was intrigued by Bear's knowledge of the outdoors and his ability to survive in nature's most violent circumstances. Who would know what kind of alge decontaminates groundwater, or how you can get water from an elephant turd? Bear did...dammitt.
If the show ends up getting canceled (which I din't know why it would) I have an idea for a new reality show that would be low on cost and high on hilarity.
It's called "Man vs. Child" and it pits Rob Schnieder against middle-school bullies. The premise is Rob visiting different junior highs and challenging the biggest kids there. The great thing about this show is you never know who is really going to win. The season finale would be Schnieder doing the American Gladiator course with the same kids he fought throughout the season as gladiators. He could face Dustin Diamond or somebody equally worthless. It would be a hit.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Deep Thoughts...not quite.
"If you want to be the most popular person in your class, whenever the professor pauses in his lecture, just let out a big snort and say "How do you figger that!" real loud. Then lean back and sort of smirk."
Here's how the conversation went:
me: get to work slacker
1:30 PM no funny jokes today on your custom message today?
Brian: i have conceded for the week
1:31 PM me: why?
thats a good one
Brian: It's my Friday off tomorrow and I only have a little over an hour before I go home
1:32 PM me: nice
what are you doing this weekend?
1:33 PM Brian: I'm going to Detroit, TX
me: what's there?
Brian: Grandpa
1:34 PM me: where si detroit
Brian: I'm not sure if I'm coming back on Friday night or staying in MV for the night
30 minutes from MV
me: we're floating the guadalupe sat if you want to come
1:35 PM Brian: I'm considering... I haven't talked to Stone about it since a few days ago
me: it's on my friend
meeting at Rip's 10:30 sat
1:36 PM Brian: I'd like to see a nude opera, because when they hit those high notes, I bet you can really see it in those genitals.
me: gross
1:37 PM where do you get these
Brian: that's right...
they're jack handy quotes
me: deep thoughts?
Brian: indeed
me: my favorite was the crows
1:38 PM Brian: I find that it boosts company moral
lol... that was a funny one
me: it boosts my moral
1:40 PM I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
1:41 PM me: hahaha
1:42 PM new favorite: "how do you figger that?"
Brian: lol
that's speaking my language now
1:43 PM me: no joke
Im doing thta next chance i get
Brian: hahaha
me: and shit into my spittoon
1:44 PM *spit
I bet both would get a good look
me: im sure
Brian: oh man.... I'm about to fall out of my chair here...
I'm laughing out loud and it's so quiet
1:45 PM me: ive got to step away and laugh a minute
Brian: I'm just imagining you dropping a deuce in your spitoon in the middle of class
1:46 PM man, i'm crying
1:47 PM me: especially after asking the question "how'd ya figger that?"
Brian: hahahaha
me: dropping pants and pooping
1:49 PM oh lord id better get back to work
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Coffee Shops Are A Breeding Ground For Idiots

T-Shirts Available (In The Near Future)

Adventures With Mary Jane

Monday, July 16, 2007
Entertainment Is Done By The Same People
Here goes:
Micheal Cera was on "Arrested Development" which was produced by Ron Howard who played "Opie" on The Andy Griffith Show (a show I watched as a kid), he was also in American Graffitti (a great movie) which was directed by George Lucas who produced Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford was also in American Graf) with Steven Spielberg, Spielberg directed "Saving Private Ryan" which co-starred Giovanni Ribisi who has a recurring role on "My Name Is Earl" which stars Jason Lee who was in "Stealing Harvard" with Leslie Mann who played "Big-boobs McGee" in Adam Sandler's "Big Daddy" (also appears in "40 year old virgin" and "Knocked up")which co-starred the always recurring Alan Covert who has been in almost every Sandler movie. Covert played a liquor clerk in the Judd Apatow show "Freeks and Geeks" Judd Apatow is responsible for such great movies as: "Anchorman", "The 40 Year Old Virgin", and "Knocked Up." Steve Carrell was in two of those movies and stars in NBC's "The Office" and Jonah Hill is the kid in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" who is trying to buy the disco shoes at the E-Bay store. He also stars in "Grandma's Boy" with Covert and Linda Cardellini who starred in Apatow's "Freaks and Geeks"
Sister More Of A Pothead Than First Thought
We had a blast during the concert. I drank a bunch a beer and a couple jagerbombs and felt like a million bucks. While we were smoking a cigarette, my sister mentioned to me that she had some weed and that she wanted to go back to the hotel and smoke a little. Now, before you start judging me just know that I am a novice. Ol' Shep is no square though. In all honesty, I've never bought any, I've never packed a pipe or rolled a joint, and all I can really do is inhale and watch cartoons. That being said, I was drunk enough to think it was a good idea to go back to the hotel and smoke a bowl.
What I was not aware of was how much Sister seemed to know about it. She had all the essential gear and a vast know-how of many aspects. I looked at the baggie and thought,"this doesn't look like much, I wonder if anyone can even get high off this." I was assured that it was more than plenty for everyone. This was confirmed by a certain Big E. After seeing her load and re-load the pipe picking up every crumb of cannabis, I realized she was probably a pretty big pothead. I had no idea. I thought it was pretty funny, because she was really getting into seeing how far she could make her stash last.
As I began to feel the effects take hold, my mouth suddenly went bone-dry. I noticed this when, as I was talking, my upper lip stuck to my teeth. All the water I drank did little to help. It was a weird feeling, I felt less inebriated but would get a chuckle out of some strange things. I woke up the next morning with both lips stuck to my teeth. I walked to the mirror to see what looked like a shaved chipmunk, but was in reality only my reflection.
All in all it was a fun trip and I got my annual pot-smoke out of the way.
Monday, July 02, 2007

The Price Is Right
And they appear as follows:
1) Louie Anderson- I really think he's funny. He cut his teeth on "The Feud" and did a hell of a job. He is currently unemployed, so he's definitely available.
2) Richard Karn- Better known as 'Al Borland' from "Home Improvement." He also has game show experience, also on "Family Feud." Ladykiller.
3) Tom Bergeron- Current host of "America's Funniest Videos." Slight cheese dick, but a solid personality. Knows Daisy Fuentes.
4) Jason Alexander- "Thank God You're Here" is not lasting, he'll be begging for this job come January. Stipulation: He MUST ride a segway.
5) Will Arnett- The steam coming off of "Arrested Development" has opened doors for this Canadian-born actor. I think he would be a great fit, although he'll probably want to stick to acting. Also would need to ride a segway.
6) Bob Saget- Why not. Although he would probably try to bang contestants after the show.
7) Zach Galifianakis- A bearded off-color comedian, he would send the show in a different direction. His appeal would be making fun of contestants for spinning the wheel like a pussy, or making an idiotic guess of $1. Better known (maybe) as "Alan Finger" from "Dog Bites Man."
8) Ted Danson- Probably the best candidate. "Becker" is a piece of shit. "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is no longer. Take it Ted, take it!
9) Burt Reynolds/ Norm McDonald as Burt Reynolds- Nothing wrong with either of these choices.
10) Donald Faison: The Token candidate, but would probably work out nicely seeing as "Scrubs" is over in the Fall.
There you have it, if you can put together a better list I'd sure like to see it.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Why Is Rosie O'Donnell Making News?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Where Men Became Boys
That day began with me waking up at an early hour. I can usually sleep-in pretty good, but I guess I was too excited about the tournament. My stomach was hurting, no doubt from inhaling a whataburger at 2 a.m., and I began to feel my stomach rumble. I needed to expel a cloud of methane to relieve the pain. I did. Little did I know I had opened Pandora's Box. It was the kind of stink that would make paint peel. I was amused and amazed with it's potency...Lee was not.
We met up with Beerman a while later to grab some breakfast at the Pancake House off Midway. It was a good meal, the eggs were shitty and cold, but the bacon was good as well as the pancakes.
Afterwards, we headed out to Ft. Worth. Lee began to feel sick from what he thought were bad eggs. The entire trip consisted of one of us farting, and the other trying to get their window down quick enough not to smell it. You're beginning to see the relevance of the title.
We arrived at Borrello's a little after noon and began to drink. People were slowly arriving, so we took the opportunity to catch up with folks we hadn't seen in a while. Borrello had his house looking top notch, as top notch as a Borrello house can get anyway. His grass was a nice green St. Augustine, freshly cut, with plenty of shade provided by a number of large trees. Lawn chairs and ice chests were scattered throughout the yard, and the lesbians' house was in plain sight. Former "hardass champion" and murderer of the beloved Smokey, Coburn, greeted me with a man-hug. At the time, I was not drunk enough for man-hugs, but whatever.
Soon, the tournament was began. I had been paired with Keene, a good draw for both of us. Our first match was against the combo of Fretty/Borrello. I had my fears because Borrello had built the pits, and therefore had a good feel for their layout and tendencies. However, that thought of doubt quickly dissipated when we jumped ahead never to look back en route to a first round victory. Hands were shook and chest bumps were dealt out at the end as a sign of good sportsmanship. The second round began to get a little blurry. I had gotten drunk waiting to play the second game and had a hard time adjusting right off the bat. But before I knew it, we had built an insurmountable lead and finished the game with little effort. We were one game away from the finals, but had a rematch with the Fretty/Borrello tandem. They had clawed their way back from a humiliating loss in the first round and had made it into the semi-finals. A good deal of time passed between our second and third game, so needless to say I was in an inebriated condition. Feeling ten feet tall, I approached the pits with a swagger equal to that of Johnny Unitas, however, I did not count on Fretty Namath the giant-killer. A drunk Keene and I, handed the first game to the scrappers from the losers bracket. I didn't really know we were playing until about halfway through the game. The second and deciding final game was one for the ages. One team would take a small lead, only for the lead to change hands on the very next throw. Fretty sank one in the closing throws to put us away. We had fallen two games in a row and were now out of cash prize contention. We did make it to the third place game but we were all too drunk to give a damn, so we sent a scout party out to locate a volleyball so we could play Schlitterball.
It seemed like a great deal of time passed before the volleyball task force arrived back at the house. I spent the down time shoving beer and various dips in my face. I also had to make multiple bathroom stops, as the eggs were making themselves known to my digestive tract. I'm not sure what time we started playing Schlitterball, but we were all blasted out of our minds. Coburn had remained sober because he is not a fan of alcoholic beverages for one reason or another, and had subsequently won the washer tournament. None of this mattered to me because I was feeling stud and eager to whoop an ass at Schlitterball.
The game was underway, I had been selected as handman and was doing a great job. By this point everyone was drunk as shit. I mean really really drunk. There were 12-14 guys in a backyard kicking a volleyball around, screaming, swearing, running, and slamming beers. It reminded me of a kindergarten recess, however in this case the kindergartners were drunk and hairy men. I was too sloppy to be a good handman. I spent the majority of my time drinking and if a ball got close I'd punch it, usually out of bounds. Something got me stirred up and I hit a three point stance, ready to explode out of it and do some damage. But, as most stupors go, I quickly forgot why I was in the three point stance in the first place so I just returned to my station over the cup. The few women who were there (all except one were either wives or fiances) sat over in a shady corner and watched with disgust the recessing maturity level of the partygoers. All the work they had done on their respective mates had all gone down the drain in a matter of hours. I felt bad for those chumps Sunday morning and the kind of ass-chewing they would have to endure. The game continued. Every point was challenged and every beer was drank. All of a sudden a "Mystery Man" came out of the woodwork and began to tear down the nig-rig Schlitterball net. This incited a riot, as everyone started running around kicking over the cups and throwing empty beer cans at one another.
After the excitement had died down, everyone began to go their own ways. I went and got more beer, a Gatorade (to combat dehydration), and some smokes. But the party was clearly over for the day. I was slightly relieved that it was over, because I was starting to feel like shit. We had all put in a full day of work, and that was something we could all be proud of.
Indeed, it was something we could all be proud of.
Friday, June 22, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007
I'm Not Chugging Anymore Big O's

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Ralph the Office Dog: Smoking Inside
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
This Easy Listening Station Is Driving Me Nuts
No, I don't know the way to Santa Fe. Who wants to go to New Mexico anyway? The easy listening station at work is by far the laziest-ass station I've ever listened to. I hear the same damn songs every day. However, sometimes they are just instrumentals, they like to mix it up I guess.
Songs that without fail will play every damn day:
1) "All you need is love" instrumental
2) "Don't know who you are" instrumental and vocal ( Superman I soundtrack)
3) "Wichita Lineman" instrumental
4) "Tiny Dancer" instrumental (which I like, but not every day)
5) "Listen to the music" instrumental (now currently playing)
6) A multitude of other songs I don't know the name of but could recite word for word.
I can usually do a good job of just tuning them out, but today they are just overdoing it.
Ever since my Ipod was stolen by some sparkling wiggles I have had a difficult time finding a variety of music to listen to. My CD collection has exhausted itself, and there is nothing good on the radio. Therefore I am left with talk radio and listening to Adam Carroll and Old Crow Medicine Show Cd's. I'm not going to listen to Big&Rich on 99.9FM or Stained on 97.5FM. That's out of the question.
I have not had a good drunk story in a while it seems, or a good post for that matter. I'm going to Ft. Worth this weekend to go to a washers tournament... something good should come out of that. Maybe I'll post my first non-high school hook-up story. Hey, any thing's possible.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Fuck You Cats!

"fuck you, cats!"
If I meet a girl and we get married later down the road and she buys a damn cat, I'm going to murder the damn cat and every other one she gets to replace the previous one. Cat people can lick my sack as well. "ohhh, look at puss he's so precious." Puss will die before the night is over you crazy wench.

I will give you a shot of Drano
The one exception to cats is the late Smokey. Killed in her prime by the now-deceased Red, Coburn's pit bull. A fine animal, Smokey didn't come around for food, she just wanted to hang out and chill on the porch. She loved it when you blew smoke on her, hence the name. All other cats bow to the legend that is Smokey. Kittens weep.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Super Soaker And Nerf... Where The Hell Are You?
Ralph the Office Dog
Friday, June 01, 2007
Fantasy Baseball: Not So Great
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Cut The Shit Bill Murray

Sayonara Gopher!
My one problem with this so far is that they REALLY want Ben Stiller in the movie. I think Ben Stiller has been in, and ruined, enough movies already, and should just leave this one alone. I will probably start a petition tomorrow called "Keep Ben

You ARE Dr. Peter Venkman

Osmosis Jones-?
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ultimate Matchups: Monster Pig vs. Nintendude

10 feet long and over 1000lbs., MonsterPig is a formidable foe for anyone without a gun. Reaching speeds of up to 45 mph he can run down a 1989 cutlass supreme without breaking stride. He can eat an entire Burge without chewing. His skin is as though as iron, only having a few "soft" spots where objects can penetrate. Did I mention he can eat an entire Burge without chewing?

5 foot 6 inches and over 300lbs. the Nintendude cuts his own hair with a bowl on top of his head. Armed with the fabled game glove, and multiple controller medallions, he is truly the favorite in this matchup. He also sports a zapper which he uses to gun down any 8-bit prey that might cross his path, a controller sceptor with the power give hand blisters to anyone who tries to challenge him, and a white cloak/cape which provides him camoflague in snowy areas when in battle, and provides warmth when he no doubt passes out late at night while playing Contra.
Pianos, Hurricanes, and a Finger
I met a caravan group in Lampasas and Edgar hopped on board with me and we proceeded to SA. It took a while to find the hotel, mostly because no one has been to San Antonio since they were 8. But eventually we found the La Tropicana nestled in the bosom of the riverwalk and unloaded.
La Tropicana looked like a transplant straight from Miami's South Beach. It was a completely white building with palm trees and ambient samba music over loudspeakers. I felt the need to have a cigarette and did so. The theme at La Tropicana was enough to raise an eyebrow, however, it was not until witnessing the pool complete with tiki bar and toucan aviary that I knew I could score some coke if I had wanted.
We settled in and began to get ready to go out for the evening. We decided Hooters was the best choice for dinner. In my opinion, it was about par with the Waco Hooters...not very impressive. I did chug a bunch of beers and have a decent sandwich with potato salad to begin what would become an evening of debauchery.
After dinner we headed to Pat O'Brien's. If you will recall the Spring Break posts, you will remember how fucked up I got on Hurricanes on my 22nd at New Orleans' Pat O's, and the subsequent torture I had to endure because of it.
For some reason this thought had not crossed my mind. I believe my subconscious had blocked that horrible memory from my mind in an attempt save me any embarrassment from recalling the story and curling up in the fetal position.
The piano players were pretty shitty, but they knew most of the songs we paid them to play. At one point, I wrote on a napkin that it was Kurt's bachelor party and we were getting him shitfaced. I felt the pianist's needed to know. When he got to the napkin with that written on it he called Kurt up on stage. As Kurt got up on stage, he asked him to call up the most attractive guy he had come with to join him on stage. I, of course, was chosen and had to also endure this public humiliation. Already drunk and up on the stage, Kurt and I had to spell out M-O-T-H-E-R with our bodies. It was less than perfect, but good enough for the time being. We exited the stage and I really began to put away Hurricanes. I get real foggy after I got off the stage, but I do remember talking to and older woman, about what I don't know. I might have asked her if she wanted to spoon.
I don't remember leaving Pat O's or how we got back to the hotel, however I do have a flash of memory when I pissed in the elevator (elevator piss count:2) on the way back to the room. I woke up the next morning fully clothed (boots included) and stepped on Ballas head.
I was still REAL drunk when I woke up. We drove to a burger place and I was getting motion sick driving. We arrived at the restaurant and ordered burgers. I sat down with my food and started feeling real sick. I tried to eat my burger, but only felt worse. Someone suggested I go pull the trigger. I sat there and tried to convince myself I didn't need to puke and that it would all pass in a didn't. I reluctantly went into the restroom and hit a two-point stance ready to release the evil from inside my stomach. I jammed my finger down my throat and waited for the heaving that would soon commence. And sure enough, it came. At first, it was all the water I had been drinking that morning, then the small portion of burger and three french fries made an appearance, and finally a congealed mass consisting of Hurricanes, beer, and Hooters food. I felt relief pass over my poor body and I washed myself thoroughly before returning to the table.
I finished off my burger with no problem and made a good dent in the fries before we left. The relief was not long lived, however. I began to feel bad again when we got back to the hotel and did so the entire day. I was so sick I needed to cop out on the proceeding night of activities. I felt like a pussy, and some agreed with me, but I just could not muster any strength to hit the town.
I will redeem myself soon...very soon.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Dallas has way too many Metrosexuals and Qdobas
Anyway, I've gotten off subject...
So the evening before the Barnes&Noble trip, we spent the night at the Village country club. They were holding a karaoke contest that night and I was highly excited to say the least. I sang The Band's classic "The Weight" which went over very well with the crowd. However, I was not counting on a smoking hot blond singing a sultry number that had the crowd's tongues hanging out. After all the performers were finished, we were called up to the stage to get voted on by the crowd. I had made the final four along with Stone, who had given a rousing rendition of "Come Sail Away", the hot blond, and some dork who had sung Frank Sinatra. Stone and blondie were shoe-ins, and I thought I was too, but I had not counted on all the metrosexuals voting for the Sinatra nerd. Although I should have known better, because all these metro-asses think they are reincarnations of the Rat-Pack anyway. Needless to say, I lost. I drowned my sorrows in $3.25 beers and bummed-cigarettes, not to mention the biggest jagerbomb ever. I can still taste that thing when I burp. But I decided to pull out the big guns and show the crowd what they had passed on. I got back up to the karaoke stage and performed a spirited Meatloaf. I like to think they were kicking themselves the entire performance.
Saturday we went to Uptown bar and grill, one of my favorite places in Dallas. They were having their weekly karaoke night Saturday and again we sang and drank to our hearts content. Kevin and Jordan had arrived from a wedding in which Jordan had had a few drinks and was having the most fun of anybody. She proclaimed she was my number one fan, which I would have taken more seriously if she hadn't tried to grab my beer I had ordered and tried to drink it. I noticed she was a close talker when intoxicated by the proximity she put her face to mine, once penetrating my ear with her nose. Everyone who came up to talk to me was informed she was my number one fan, per her request. I would try to talk to someone and Jordan would fly in and get in my ear and tell me to tell them who my number one fan was. Bill Floyd came over to say hi, and Jordan leaned over and glared at him and asked, "who is this?" I introduced her to Bill and then she added, "what do you want." Bill asked me a question to which I replied, and then Jordan promptly said, "OK, you can leave now." Bill was highly confused. I don't think my number one fan thought too highly of Bill.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Kick-Ass Shows You May Have Forgotten
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ways to Thwart the Homeless

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Mazzio's Pizza: A Storied Past

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Guest Author: Lee Mitchell
Matt Cunningham, Jake (brother), and I were trespassing in my neighbors barn. Little did we know that they were selling the property and a realtor with hopeful buyers drove up to the barn. We ran out the back and slipped into a horse trailer where we hoped to hide out until they were gone. Unfortunately, we were hiding in a very small cramped area that the sun was beating down on. It was unbelievably hot and there was cat poop scattered all over the floor. Suddenly, Matt picked up a piece of the cat poop and, with amazing accuracy, flung it directly into Jake's mouth. Jake instantly threw up all over the place. All three of us started screaming and flung open the trailer door and rolled out. Trespassing, soaked in sweat, and grossed out, we hauled ass as fast as we could. The adults were staring at us as we ran towards our property for our own lives.
The Infamous Blackout Story
I woke up that morning with a particularly bad hangover. My room felt like a sauna, and I was automatically miserable. As I rolled over in an attempt to find my phone and see what time it was, I noticed I was naked. Upon further inspection, I found I was also dripping wet. Confused, but not very surprised, I find something to cover myself with and head to the bathroom to piss. I was gauging how dehydrated I was by looking at the color of my piss, when I noticed the bathtub was filled to the brim with a dirty looking water. I then realized I had no idea what had happened to me the night before and was going to have to do some detective work to find out.
I found my phone on the floor of the hallway. It was low on battery and had 7 new messages. I postponed listening to the messages until after I had a drink of water to combat the extreme cottonmouth I was presently dealing with. As I listened to the messages, I discovered they were all from the disgruntled residents of Gurley. Accusations flew in the messages. Things like, "You fucker, you left your puke shirt in the yard and there's puke all over the chair and Fretty sat in it," were a few of the choice phrases used. This was all news to me. I had no idea I had puked last night, although I couldn't ignore the fact that I couldn't find the shirt I had on last night.
Desperate for answers, I went outside to see if my truck was in the driveway. If it was not there, I would have a good answer to how I got home. The truck was there. I had driven myself home blacked-out. There were now three things clear. One, I had thrown-up in the big chair at Gurley. Two, I had shed my puke clothes on the way out and driven myself home. And three, once home, I had drawn a bath, sat in it, and puked again.
I then tried to piece together how I got so drunk in the first place. I thought back to every moment the previous day I could remember. I came up with three phases of my drunkenness
that explained how I got that torn up and ended up in this situation.
1) Grilling out at Gurley:
Fretty had just purchased a nice grill and had put it in the Gurley cabana. We all went the H-E-B to buy beer and meat to cook. I picked up a steak and a case (20) of bottled Coors Light. We went back to Gurley and commenced to drink, smoke, and eat. The cookout soon turned into a party and the beers were going quicker and quicker.
2) Gurley Party:
I had torn through about fifteen bottled Coors lights and was feeling pretty damn good. The party was in full swing and we were running low on cigarettes. About 1:20 a.m., Kurt decides he wants to make a trip up to Scruff's for last call. Me being out of beer sealed my place for that trip.
3) Scruff's:
We arrived at Scruff's about 1:30 a.m. and head to the bar to order our customary Ziegen Bocks. I heard somebody call my name from across the bar. I looked over and saw an old high school buddy of mine standing there looking as trashed as I was. We talked for about 2 seconds before he asked if I wanted a shot. I, of course, said "yes" and he ordered up 2 jager shots( if any of you wonder why I don't like Jager shots, this incident is why) We did a couple of toasts and threw back the Jager with authority. I felt my stomach start to turn and knew I would throw-up if I didn't handle this correctly. I took a step back from the bar, took a deep breath, and fought back the steak and veggie pack I'd consumed earlier in the evening. I had just finished fighting off the barf when High School Friend brings me over another Jager shot. Another Jager shot and a Ziegen bock were bought and drank before the bar closed and we had to leave.
The trip home was getting fuzzy and I was beginning to black out. When we arrived back at Gurley, I sat down in the big chair and passed out. This is where I begin my epic blackout adventure.
I felt terrible about puking all over the big chair. The only thing I could think to do to bury the hatchet was to bring them a peace offering. I went Bush's and bought a gallon of sweet tea and took it over there.
The chair is still in use today and there's a little bit of Shep that will always be there.